Rug Cleaning


Expert Rug

One-of-a-kind Rug Care Spa

Hagopian’s Rug Care Spa is the only one of its kind in Michigan, where your rugs are treated to a luxurious cleansing that gently removes the imbedded soil, brings the colors back to life and restores the soft texture you remember from when they were new.

Ever wonder what happens to your rug at our Rug Care Spa?

  1. During the pre-wash process, our experts apply our Hagopian cleaners, targeting spots, stains and traffic areas.
  2. Our state-of-the-art rug cleaning machine uses specialized high pressure jets to gently scrub and rinse your rug from both the top and back, flushing out soil from within using only clean, fresh water...No "dirty" rug baths!
  3. Your rug is then auto-hoisted to our temperature and humidity controlled dry-room to relax for the evening.
  4. Our technicians then gently brush and groom your rugs pile and fringe, getting it ready to come back home.
  5. Our cleaning experts give your rug a final inspection before wrapping to ensure it’s looking and smelling great!

Check out the video below to get a behind the scenes look at Hagopian's industry-leading products and techniques.

Request A Quote

To get a rug cleaning quote, fill out the form below or give us a call at (616) 779-7847

Free Pick-Up & Delivery Service

We offer a door-to-door White Glove Rug Pick-Up & Delivery Service. We’ll come to your home, move your furniture and take your treasured rugs to our Rug Care Spa. After the cleaning, we’ll return them to the exact place we found them in your home, looking better than ever.

Schedule Free Pick-Up

25% Off Drop-Off Cleaning Location

Get 25% off rug cleaning when you bring your rugs to our convenient Grand Rapids location. The renowned Hagopian rug cleaning provides you a high quality cleaning at an affordable price. Bring your rugs in today and get them Hagopian Clean.

Drop Them Off & Save

Located on 28th St. across from Woodland Mall 3128 28th St SE, Kentwood, MI 49512
Give us a call at (616) 779-7847